Online Zoom Training

Building champions from the living room.

Want to improve your game from the comfort of your own home? RAIN online Zoom training is focused on building champions through the development of good biomechanics and skills. Our sessions are designed to enhance mobility and coordination, increase power and speed, and reduce fatigue and injury.


Online Zoom Training Drill Focus

  • Biomechanics

  • Stability / Coordination / Control

  • Power / Agility / Speed

  • Skills / Fitness / Confidence

  • Mentality / Work Ethic

Players will be challenged to focus on the details of biomechanics in a way that will teach them to become champions. Along with movement correction and development, there will be a high intensity skills portion with the ball at your foot in a tight area.

Online Zoom Training Specialties

  • From the comfort of your own home

  • Limited equipment needed

    • A ball

    • 4 cones or something similar

    • An area to pass against, wall or couch

  • Mentality training involved throughout the session

  • Learning to push ourselves and take mobility more seriously

  • Improvement will be directly related to success on the field

Teaching players how to utilize their true speed, power, and balance is something we take massive amounts of pride in at RAIN.


Not the training you’re looking for?

If you’re looking for some other type of training, check out our other options below!