Small Group Training

A competitive and effective environment.

Small Group training is the most popular choice of training for most players, as it incorporates more game-realistic situations as well as constant competition between players to push themselves and each other. Players will maintain intense activity levels as well as a high standard of communication and work ethic. The cost of training is also more affordable in groups than it is for individual sessions. Find a friend or have us help you join someone similar to your skill level to keep you sharp and ready to work!


Small Group Drill Focus

  • Overlapping runs / Defending together

  • Rebounding shots / Anticipating situations

  • Fighting for a loose ball / Reading the game

  • Crossing and finishing / Timing runs against defender

These are just a few examples of what we would be working on in a small group training.

Small Group Specialties

  • Can bring in a large amount of variation in drills

  • With multiple players it is easier to demonstrate and get repetition on game-like situations

  • The sessions bring out the best in players as they do not want to lower the standard of the group

  • The players learn from one another and grow together

  • Communication is necessary, confidence with your voice encouraged and expected

Players respond well to the challenge of competition and enjoy the process of building strong partnerships.


Not the training you’re looking for?

If you’re looking for some other type of training, check out our other options below!